CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 25
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 25 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 2)[!][issue 1998-08].iso
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Text File
407 lines
; $VER: Install-AWeb31 0.2 (20.12.97)
; Description: Installer script for AWeb-II 3.0(b) -> 3.1 patch
(complete 0)
(set #welcome
(cat "This installation procedure installs the AWeb-II 3.1 patch on your system.\n\n"
"You must have installed AWeb-II 3.0(b) previously.\n\n"
"You will need the original AWeb-II 3.0 or 3.0b disks for this installation procedure."
(set #no-aweb30
(cat "AWeb3: assign not found.\nYou haven't properly installed AWeb-II 3.0(b).\n\n"
"The AWeb-II 3.1 patch is not applied."
(set #ask-backup
"Do you want to make a backup copy of the currently installed version of AWeb-II?"
(set #backup-help
(cat "If you select YES, a backup will be made of the executable files "
"that will be changed by this installation.\n"
"You will be prompted for a (preferrably new) drawer where to store "
"the files."
(set #backup-prompt
"Select a location for the backup copy of the current files"
(set #insert-disk1
(cat "Please insert disk 1 of the original AWeb-II 3.0 or 3.0b distribution "
"(AWeb3.0_Disk1) into any drive\n"
(set #settingup "Setting up utilities")
(set #patching "Patching %s\n\nBe patient, this can take a while...")
(set #installing "Installing %s")
(set #invalid-version
(cat "Patch could not be performed.\n"
"The file '%s' has an invalid version. This patch can ONLY be applied "
"to AWeb-II version 3.0 or 3.0b\n\n"
"Installation procedure terminated."
(set #ask_run
(cat "The first time you run AWeb again, you will have to re-enter "
"the serial number found on the original distribution, and your name.\n\n"
"Do you want to start AWeb now?"
(set #ready "Installation of AWeb-II 3.0(b) -> 3.1 patch complete.")
;---- Procedure to extract 1 file from an archive into T: ----
(procedure P_extract #arc #file
; Build command like
; T:lhex -w=T: e AWeb3.0_Disk1:<#arc> <#file>
; extracts 1 file from the archive on the distribution disk into T:
("T:lhex -w=T: e AWeb3.0_Disk1:%s %s" #arc #file)
;---- Procedure to get the checksum for a file in T: ----
(procedure P_getsum #file
(getsum (tackon "T:" #file))
;---- Procedure to patch 1 file (with checksum checked if it is supplied) ----
(procedure P_Patch1 #file #sum #pch
(if (<> #sum "")
(if (<> #sum (P_getsum #file))
(delete (tackon "T:" #file))
(exit (#invalid-version #file) (quiet))
; Build command like
; T:spatch -p<path><#pch> -oAWeb3:<#file> T:<#file>
; patches the original file in T: using the .pch file building a new file in AWeb3:
"T:spatch -p"
(tackon "AWeb31PATCH:" #pch)
(" -oAWeb3:%s T:%s" #file #file)
; Delete the original file from T:
(cat "T:" #file)
;---- Procedure to extract and patch 1 file ----
(procedure P_patch #arc #file #sum #pch
(working (#patching #file))
(P_extract #arc #file)
(P_patch1 #file #sum #pch)
;---- Procedure to extract 1 file and patch it depending on checksum ----
; If extracted program has checksum #sum2, patch #pch2 is applied first
; and the result is copied back to the location (T:) of the extracted progam.
; Then patch #pch1 is applied to the extracted (or in the 1st pass patched)
; program if its checksum matches #sum1.
; #complete percentage is increased by 3 * #dcomplete after completion.
(procedure P_patch_depending #arc #file #sum1 #pch1 #sum2 #pch2 #complete #dcomplete
(working (#patching #file))
(P_extract #arc #file)
(set #sum (P_getsum #file))
(complete (set #complete (+ #complete #dcomplete)))
(if (= #sum #sum2)
(P_patch1 #file "" #pch2)
(source (tackon "AWeb3:" #file))
(dest "T:")
(set #sum (P_getsum #file))
(complete (set #complete (+ #complete #dcomplete)))
(if (= #sum #sum1)
(P_patch1 #file "" #pch1)
(delete (tackon "T:" #file))
(exit (#invalid-version #file) (quiet))
(complete (set #complete (+ #complete #dcomplete)))
;---- Display welcome message ----
(message #welcome)
;---- Check the existence of AWeb3: assign ----
(not (exists "AWeb3:"))
(message #no-aweb30)
(exit (quiet))
(set @default-dest (expandpath "AWeb3:"))
;---- Ask for backup of current versions ----
(prompt #ask-backup)
(help #backup-help)
(set #backup
(prompt #backup-prompt)
(help @askfile-help)
(default (tackon (expandpath "AWeb3:") "backup3.0"))
(if (not (exists #backup))
(makedir #backup)
(source "AWeb3:")
(choices "AWeb-II" "AWebCfg")
(dest #backup)
(optional "nofail")
(source "AWeb3:aweblib")
(dest (tackon #backup "aweblib"))
(optional "nofail")
(complete 5)
;---- Let the user insert the correct disk ----
(prompt #insert-disk1)
(help @askdisk-help)
(dest "AWeb3.0_Disk1")
;---- Copy required utilities to T: ----
(prompt #settingup)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "AWeb3.0_Disk1:lhex")
(dest "T:")
(prompt #settingup)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "spatch"))
(dest "T:")
; Make a temporary assign because the spatch utilitiy can't handle
; path names with a space
(makeassign "AWeb31PATCH" (pathonly @icon))
(complete 10)
;---- Patch AWeb-II ----
(P_patch_depending "aweb2.lha" "AWeb-II"
-1253492792 "AWeb30b-31.pch"
1498876731 "AWeb30-30b.pch"
10 10)
;---- Patch AWebCfg ----
(P_patch_depending "aweb1.lha" "AWebCfg"
-1623681170 "AWebCfg30b-31.pch"
664509881 "AWebCfg30-30b.pch"
40 5)
;---- Patch aweblib modules ----
(P_patch "aweb-lib-plug.lha" "aweblib/arexx.aweblib" -794496057 "arexx.pch")
(P_patch "aweb-lib-plug.lha" "aweblib/authorize.aweblib" -30568908 "authorize.pch")
(complete 60)
(P_patch "aweb-lib-plug.lha" "aweblib/cachebrowser.aweblib" 1795294701 "cachebrowser.pch")
(P_patch "aweb-lib-plug.lha" "aweblib/ftp.aweblib" 1459088783 "ftp.pch")
(P_patch "aweb-lib-plug.lha" "aweblib/gopher.aweblib" -1025195164 "gopher.pch")
(complete 65)
(P_patch "aweb-lib-plug.lha" "aweblib/history.aweblib" -1182279980 "history.pch")
(P_patch "aweb-lib-plug.lha" "aweblib/hotlist.aweblib" 491052913 "hotlist.pch")
;---- Clean up ----
(delete "T:aweblib")
(delete "T:lhex")
(delete "T:spatch")
(makeassign "AWeb31PATCH")
(complete 70)
;---- Install new aweblib modules ----
(working (#installing "aweblib modules"))
(source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "aweblib"))
(dest "AWeb3:aweblib")
;---- Installing AWebJS ----
(working (#installing "AWebJS"))
(source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "AWebJS"))
(dest "AWeb3:")
(complete 75)
;---- Install new documentation ----
(working (#installing "documentation"))
(source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "docs"))
(dest "AWeb3:docs")
(complete 90)
;---- Install new button set
(working (#installing "buttons"))
(if (exists "AWeb3:storage/buttons")
(source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "storage/buttons"))
(dest "AWeb3:storage/buttons")
;---- Install new catalogs for those languages installed ----
(working (#installing "catalogs"))
(if (exists "AWeb3:catalogs")
(set #newcatalogs (tackon (pathonly @icon) "catalogs"))
(foreach "AWeb3:catalogs" "#?"
(if (exists (tackon #newcatalogs @each-name))
(source (tackon #newcatalogs @each-name))
(dest (tackon "AWeb3:catalogs" @each-name))
(complete 95)
;---- Flush any existing aweblib modules from memory ----
(run "avail flush >NIL:")
;---- Ask if AWeb should run now to enter the registration details ----
(prompt #ask_run)
(help @askbool-help)
(run "run AWeb3:AWeb-II local AWeb3:docs/history.html")
(complete 100)
;---- Ready ----
(exit #ready)